Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What can I do besides studying Pharm...?

On a crisp, October afternoon, a poor nursing college study sat, diligently studying, for the Pharm test looming in the near future. After hours and hours of endless work, and the feel of migraine attack coming on without the access to a serotonin agonist that causes vasoconstiction like a triptan, this nursing student decided that it would be a good idea to take a break. Trying to come up with something productive to do in the meantime, a brilliant idea came! "Let's try and figure out how to use the University of Utah College of Nursing Class of 2013 student's blog".

However, this idea almost backfired when the stress of navigating through the BlogSpot turned out to be harder then cramming hundreds upon hundreds of MOA's and side effects into an already crammed head. But thank goodness for critical thinking eh?! Using some swift mental maneuvering, the solution of how to use the BlogSpot was discovered!! (Good job Diana! *high-five*)

If none of you have figured it out yet, this is Diana. So, I hope this is a good enough first post on our awesome BlogSpot for ya, Liana.

Monday, October 3, 2011

wolf shirt day

Meet Dan and Diana, very proud wolf shirt owners.

If anyone wants to contribute to Thursday shirt days,
this thursday (october 6th) is Bob Marley shirt day!!!

pretty much... we rock.

there's just no way around it!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Hey everyone I finally figured out how to work this thing....kinda. But yeah we need more pictures posted so if you have them please post them, it will be cool to look back and see everything we've done over the course of nursing school. I don't have a good camera on my phone or I would but I really like this blog. Keep it up and going strong. Like they always say "early bird gets the worm"..... i'll let you think about that one.